FAQs - Angeltown Dentists


There's an error in my unclaimed profile. How do I fix it?


We expect our users can find you and your practice quickly. Therefore, to ensure accuracy, all listings must be claimed by the individual concerned before any changes can be made.


To proceed, click "Claim Listing" below your name and address and follow the instructions. Once you claim the listing, you can make the necessary changes.


If you are not prepared to claim your dental listing, you can leave it as is or request that the listing be deleted from the Angeltown Dentists directory. You must submit your request for removal in writing with proper identification. Redacting personal information, such as your birthday, is possible. We only need to verify you are the individual in the listing before we can proceed with your request. Once your listing has been removed, your identification will also be deleted from our files.


We also suggest you take this time to ensure that all online directories have your practice's accurate data synchronized. Are you unsure how to do that? Use our free scan tool to scan your practice and find any errors online.


Are you ready to claim your profile and go premium?


According to a Google study, businesses with comprehensive listings are considered more reliable and therefore are 197% more likely to be viewed than others. The comprehensive details need to include hours, photos, ratings, reviews, product lists, and other pertinent information.


Is it essential that my local details are accurate?


Yes! Did you know 73% of customers lose trust when they are presented with incorrect information about a company? Inaccurate or incomplete online details can cause companies to lose more than $10 billion annually. 


What should my profile say?


Follow this guide to create your listing.


Is there any contract?


When claiming your listing, you will select your preferred subscription level, but you can cancel your subscription anytime.


Why are Featured and Home Page Featured Listing more expensive? 


Featured listings can dramatically increase traffic to both your profile and, hopefully, to your practice if your profile has been optimized. Remember that 75% of clicks are made on the first page of search results, where our Featured Listings are located. 


A Home Page Featured Listing is even better as users don't need to search to find your practice since it's listed on our home page above the fold.  


You tell us. Is the featured placement worth it when it brings you even one new client monthly?


Do I need to add other practice areas?


Yes. Don't forget - trust is built from comprehensive dental listings.


I found errors in my digital details when using your free location scanning tool. Now what?


Contact Localsync for assistance in synchronizing and locking your location data.


There are many directories. Which one should you choose?


Our belief is that you should maintain control over your company's image on all directories. Each professional directory allows you to reach new clients through different channels and gives your practice a valuable backlink that helps you improve your SEO and search rankings in Google.