Creating Your Listing

Angeltown Dentists makes it easy to market your dental practice. Let us show you how quickly you can create your listing.


Before you get started, we suggest you search the directory and claim your Angeltown Dentists listing.


Create an Angeltown Dentists Listing


To create a listing, you must be logged into your Angeltown Dentists account by either using your active credentials or creating a new account. Then, click on the user icon from the homepage to access the back end of the directory.


Next, click on "create listing" from the left-hand menu.



Review and choose the right marketing plan for your dental practice by clicking on the select button of the corresponding box.



Now it's time to personalize every detail of your listing. This information allows patients to find you and discover more about you quickly.


Add Geo-Location Information


Ensure that your geo-location details are included in your Angeltown Dentists listing. Without these, how will patients locate your office? But more importantly, how can search engines prioritize your dental office when people search for "dentist near me?"


Use one of two methods to update your geo-location. 1. Click on the magnifying glass at the top right and type in your address. 2. Locate your practice on the map using the zoom + and - then drop a pin on that precise location by clicking on the map. 



Add General Details About Your Practice


Starting with your name and going down, fill out as much information as possible to complete your dental listing.



Dentist Name

Enter your full professional name, including any prefixes and credentials.


Dental Practice Name

Enter your legal business name, ensuring it's consistent throughout all online directories like Google My Business and Yelp.



Enhance your brand by adding your dental practice logo to your Angeltown Dentists listing. A headshot is also a good alternative if you haven't established a business logo yet. Select "upload logo" to add an image.



Enter your business address. Adding cross streets and neighborhood names is a great way to help patients locate you faster. Your city will populate in a dropdown menu after you type the first few characters. Scroll down thru the dropdown to find and select your city.


Phone Numbers

List your dental office and WhatsApp contact numbers here.


Add Descriptions, Websites, and Social Media Profiles



Short Description and Description

Use the short description section as a quick summary of your dental practice. Then, use the description section to allow patients to learn more about your team, services, and philosophy.



Type in your dental practice email address as an alternative contact method for patients.


Website and Social Media Profiles

Does your business website offer additional details such as ways to book appointments or see service lists? Type it here as a quick reference link for your patients. You can also extend your reach by ensuring patients can find you on social media. Every URL must include the HTTP HTTPS:// section.


Dental Specialization

Choose your primary dental specialization from the dropdown menu.



Update your hours so patients can reach you during the business day.


Add Additional Information



License and State License

To make it easier for patients to do their research, enter your licensing state and license number.


Additional Information

Your patients will be able to make informed decisions with the more sections you fill out on your listing.


Add Enhanced Media


To showcase your dental practice, upload photos and videos to the enhanced media section.




Click "browse," and you can search your computer or tablet to find the best photos for your listing.



Copy and paste video URLs from any video streaming service such as YouTube. Next, click the "+" button to add them to your listing.



After completing all the informational sections, verify everything and click "submit listing."


How Does Your Listing Look?


From your Angeltown Dentists dashboard, select "listings" to see your completed listing. Use this opportunity to check and correct any errors.



Too Busy? Let Us Create Your Listing For You!


We're here for your dental practice! Simply set up an Angeltown Dentists account and choose your marketing subscription plan. Then, contact us. We will review your account and let you know what information is needed to create a listing with the greatest impact on your practice.