Claiming Your Listing

Angeltown Dentists recognize how important it is to have correct listings so that people can find you and your practice easily. Consequently, we require that a listing be claimed by the person concerned before allowing updates.


To increase the visibility of your Angeltown Dentists listing, make sure to complete your profile after claiming it. Follow these steps to get you started.


Sign in or Create an Account with Angeltown Dentists


Locate and click on the sign-in button on the Angeltown Dentists homepage.



Enter your username and password. Click "sign in" for your Angeltown Dentists account.


If you don't have a username, you need to create an Angeltown Dentists account. Do so by clicking "Register" next to "need an account," and you will be redirected to the create an account page.



Find Your Existing Listing


Logging in will allow you to search the Angeltown Dentists directory for your existing listing. Click on "search" after typing your name in the search bar.


If you cannot find your existing listing, you can create an Angeltown Dentists listing.



Choose Your Existing Listing From Search Results


The Angeltown Dentists' dental directory will show you the results that match or closely match your searched name. Find your name and click on it to continue.



Claim Your Existing Listing


You will see under your name and address "Claim Listing." Select this to move on to the marketing plans.



Determine Your Marketing Plan


There are three types of marketing plans to choose from, each having a monthly or a discounted yearly payment option. Compare then choose the marketing plan that is right for you. Next, click the "select this plan" button in the appropriate box.



Payment for Marketing Plan


Angeltown Dentists uses Stripe to secure its payments. Double-check your plan details and payment options before you click "Pay with Card."



Enter your credit card information and valid email address. To complete your payment, click "Pay."



Final Step - Administrator Validation


When a claim request is submitted, the administrators of Angeltown Dentists are notified. We will then contact you to validate the claim request.


Once validated, your Angeltown Dentists listing is active and ready for customizing.


Contact us anytime if you require assistance.